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Ruddigore - Auditions

Music & Libretto Audition Pieces

Auditions will be taking place at Heatherside Community Centre on Sunday 17th November at 4.30pm.

Please find below the musical and Libretto audition pieces for Ruddigore:-

Musical Auditions Pieces

Page numbers are from the Chappell score

Sir Ruthven Murgatroyd.  

No. 7 Page 30. My boy you may take it from me - any one verse

AND the relevant verse of No. 8 Act Two Page 126

Richard Dauntless. 

One verse No. 6 I shipped d’ye see Page 28 AND First verse of No 8 The battle’s roar Page 33

Sir Despard Murgatroyd 

One verse No. 13 Oh why am I moody and sad? AND the relevant verse of No. 8 Act Two Page 131

 Old Adam Goodheart

Page 65 - The Madrigal one verse AND No. 1 Act Two I once was as


Sir Roderic Murgatroyd 

Page 109 -110 Beware and then the THIRD Verse of Night Wind Page 115 to end AND Page 136 Sing Hey

Rose Maybud.


No. 3 If somebody there chanced to be Page 19 Any one verse AND No 10 Page 40 Ten minutes since to end.

Mad Margaret.  


No. 11 Cheerily carols the lark and one verse of Aria AND the relevant verse of No. 8 Act Two Page 128

Dame Hannah. 

No. 2 Sir Rupert Murgatroyd AND One verse of No. 10 Act Two Page 135


No. 3 Any one verse

Libretto Audition Pieces

Sir Ruthven Murgatroyd (disguised as Robin Oakapple, a Young Farmer) He could have a country burr for the first piece and needs to be villainous for the second.

Act 1 pg 5 Rob: Mistress Rose! - Rob: Let us consult one another

Act 2 pg 6 Rob: This is a painful state of things, Old Adam. – Rob: How say you Adam, is not the scheme well planned?

Richard Dauntless (his foster brother, a mariner) could have a Cornish / country burr

Act 1 pg 10 Rich: Ah, it’s a thousand pities he’s such a poor opinion of himself – Rich: might I be permitted to salute the flag I’m a going to sail under.

Sir Despard Murgatroyd (of Ruddigore, a Wicked Baronet) should be villainous for the first piece and very serious and sober for the second

Act 1 pg 18 Sir D: Poor children, how they loathe me - Sir D: Ruthven, alive and going to marry Rose Maybud! Can this be possible?

Act 2 pg 35 Sir D: Margaret, don’t. Pray restrain yourself – Sir D: . . . for all the misdeeds committed bt the unhappy gentleman who occupied your place.

Old Adam Goodheart (Robin’s faithful servant) Cornish / country burr for first piece. Igoresque for the second

Act 1 pg 6 Adam: My kind master is sad - Adam: It is even so and see he comes this way.

Act 2 Rob: This is a painful state of things, Old Adam – Adam: It’s no use my making suggestions if you don’t accept them.

Rose Maybud  (a village maiden)

Act 1 pg 3 Hannah: Whither away, dear Rose? – Rose: And even if I could, how should I confess it unto him? For lo, he is shy and sayeth naught.

Dame Hannah (Rose’s Aunt)

Act 2 pg 37 Rob: Dame Hannah! This – this is not what I expected. - Dame Hannah: Now then, it is one to one, and let the best man win!

Mad Margaret should be theatrically mad in the first extract and swing between madness and solemnity in the second.

Act 1 pg 16 Rose: A maiden, and in tears? – Mar: Hide, hide – they are all mad – quite mad!

Act 2 pg 35 Sir D: We have been married a week - Sir D: Then make it so.

Zorah     (a professional bridesmaid) could have a Cornish / country burr.

Act 1 pg 1 Hannah: Nay gentle maidens - Zor: But who cursed him? Not you, I trust!

Sir Roderic Murgatroyd  (a ghost - the twenty-first Baronet of Ruddigore) ghostly and villainous

Act 2 pg 31 Rob: On Wednesday I forged a will – Sir Rod: . . . . you perish in inconceivable agonies